Sunday, August 14, 2011

Sony Play Station

I am really wanting to get a Sony Play Station where my kid and I can play our favorite game. We saved money by saving all the coins that we got.

When we have collected almost 10,000 Pesos, we immediately went to the nearest mall. There we hunted for the Play Station by Sony.

We find one, the older version. But we are embarrassed because we can't buy it for we don't have enough money for it. The price of this kasi is more than 15,000 pesos. And our money is just 10,000 pesos.

We really cant afford it. And I think, I need to save more and to wait more years before getting one.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Still Wondering

I am currently wondering what to write on this blog. I am not really knowledgeable about Nintendo DS console and accessories and games.

I actually ordered a console from the Amazon because I want to learn first what is it, how to use it, and what games should I play here.

For now, I will just write whatever comes into my mind.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Hello World

Just like how the Wordpress blog started, I have here a Hello World post.

Hello World! This is the first post I made on this blog. I am still thinking what to write and publish here. But I am sure, the topic will be related to the Nintendo and its DS ROMs